Sunday, June 9, 2013

Shipping: Hermione

     For my first real post I shall talk about shipping. This will probably continue for a couple of posts because it is a broad topic. I shall start with all the shipping around one Hermione Granger. I have seen some weird stuff in my fan fiction days. A friend of mine found a story centered around her falling in love with the Whomping Willow. I didn't want to know so I didn't ask. There are, however, a few ships that do seem more odd to me than a girl falling in love with a tree.
     First: Hermione and Snape. Disgusting. Whoever thought of this first has some issues. Snape is far too old for her for one thing. For another, he can't stand her. Yes, a lot of romantic comedies start with the couple in question hating each other and age shouldn't matter but let's look at the facts. Snape only ever loved one girl. Lily will forever hold his heart. Hermione had clear feelings for Ron (more on this one later). Snape was a complete jerk to Hermione on countless occasions. The most prominent one in my memory was when either Crabbe or Goyle hit her with a curse when one of them hit with a curse by her friends. Snape let the Slytherin go to the nurse but refused Hermione. Her teeth were growing at an alarming rate and  he said :I see no difference." Let's face it. This could never be.

     Second: Hermione and Draco. Draco's father will definitely not want to hear about this. Draco is too much of a blood purist to want Hermione. Snape is more believable than Draco. Besides his constant bursts of  "Mudblood", Draco has always been rather cruel to Hermione as well. Ron and Harry had to constantly stand up to him for her. It got so bad she punched him in the face. Again. Hermione had clear feelings for Ron. Even Draco noticed and teased them about it.

    Third: Hermione and Harry. Let's face it, even J.K. Rowling face palmed this. She said in an interview that all the Harry/Hermione shippers needed to abandon ship because it was so obviously Ron who had won Hermione's heart. Who can dispute the author? Harry will always be Hermione's best friend.

     Fourth: Hermione and Fred. What? Where did that come from? Why would Fred (or George for that matter) fall for Hermione. She's always threatening to turn them into the teachers and prefects. When she was prefect she threatened to tell their mother what they were up to. There is no way they would fall for her since she was a tattle tale to them.

    For me, Hermione and Ron were obvious from at least the second book. Ron is always very protective of her. He fought Bellatrix to save her. While other may ship Hermione with any of the above...including a tree, it will always be Rominone for me.

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